Features and Capabilities of the F5 Library
- Uniform Grids
- Rectilinear Grids
- Curvilinear Grids
- Time-dependent data
- Images, Image sequences, Multichannel images (rgb, alpha channel, cmyk, infrared, UV, user-defined)
, Floating-point Pixel data (16,32,64 bit), multiple viewpoints, tiled images
- Fragmented fields (tiled images, multiprocessor blocks, chunked data)
- Triangular Surfaces, Quad Surfaces
- Unstructured Meshes
- Particle Systems
- Lines and sets of lines
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement
(AMR, Berger-Oliger scheme, image mipmaps, multi-resolution images)
- Scalar, Vector, Tensorfields, covariant and contravariant vectors and tensors
- Multiple coordinate systems
- Vertex-centered, edge-centered, face-centered, cell-centered data sets
- Cell complexes
- Attached color maps
- Various levels of granularity, files may be split and merged at different sizes
- Support for different layouts of compound type fields
Note: Due to limited manpower, the F5 library is developed
on demand. Not all of the above features are actually fully
implemented and tested yet.